
Saturday, 10 April 2010

Hawaii, Day 3

We got to sleep in today!  And by sleep in, I actually mean sleep in!  Normally, "sleeping in" means that we get to sleep til, oh, maybe 8am.  MAYBE.  But today....we got up at 9am!  It felt wonderful to sleep so long-although I swear I could have spent half the day sleeping!

We decided to make today a shopping day-one advantage of having to go back to the States.  We headed out to a nearby outlet mall to check stuff out-and had a great shopping day!

Brendan needed new jeans-all of his 3T's were both too short and too tight in the waist.  Kieran needed sandals.  Mom and Dad didn't actually need anything, but walked away with way too much a few carefully chosen things.

Both boys behaved wonderfully today-even while out shopping all day.  They took lots of "pretend" rides on those little coin-operated ride thingies...

They did get to take an actual ride on one each, and then apparently got a free ride on one-Mama (my mom, the boys' grandma) shook the ride and it suddenly started working.  Not sure which ride that was though. 

We found out today that we need to be at the hospital at 6 am on Monday for Kieran's surgery.  I am feeling a little anxious about it-he's scheduled for 2 hours in the OR.  He is having the tubes placed in his ears first, then the hand surgery starts.  He's going to be an inpatient for the first night-and I'll be staying overnight with him.  I'm definitely worried about making sure he's not in pain.  I believe they can give him morphine (yikes!) in the hospital, and then most likely Tylenol with codeine and/or Motrin for pain relief once he is discharged.

I also want to say thank you so much to friends and family who have been sending us well-wishes-it's so appreciated!  I am also a bit saddened by a few who have not bothered-though even sadder, not surprised.
Anyways, I am glad to know that there are so many people out there thinking of us and more importantly, of Kieran.

Ah, yes, and Kieran.  That boy.  He says (among several other words), "Daddy", "brother" and now....."Mama."  That would not be Mama as in me, his mother.  No.  He doesn't call me anything.  Today though, he pointed to my mom, and very clearly said, "Mama" and grinned.  Little stinker.  But I know he loves me best anyways! 

(My boys both call my mom "Mama."  Not really sure how that started.  My dad is Papa.)

Not sure what the rest of the weekend has in store for us...but I'll be sure to update as often as possible.

1 comment:

Dominique -aka- 美華ちゃん said...

Haha I remember that I spent WAY too much money shopping in Hawaii, buying crap that I didn't need. Clothes that still have tags on them....yea. lol Enjoy the trip the best you can :)