It has been forever and a day since I've updated! I keep putting it off, but no more!
So..what we've been up to:
We're home in Okinawa and glad to be back! Kieran is doing exceptionally well-he recovered perfectly from surgery and you'd never know his hand ever looked different, minus the small scar. He did have the IP joint stiffen up due to the pin and then the brace, so we're working hard with OT to get that back to normal. While he may not ever have quite normal range, I don't think it's going to make a difference-he's adapted perfectly already. (That's both good and bad-good, because he's able to do everything, yet, bad-since he's able to do everything, he isn't as likely to work on his own to get that joint moving.)
Jason's parents came for a visit. We all enjoyed seeing them. I'm sure they especially enjoyed seeing Jason, as they hadn't seen him since we moved, and of course, the boys...since let's face it-that's who the grandparents want to see anyways. :p
We spent a week with both of them here, and then Jason's dad had to leave. His mom stayed for another almost 2 weeks. We got out and did a bunch of stuff around Okinawa-Pineapple Park, the Aquarium, beaches, castle ruins, Shuri Castle..the usual stuff. I think they both enjoyed Okinawa, though the humidity and heat was a bit much for them. (And it wasn't even that hot or humid yet!).
We're back to the norm now...Jason back at work, me back to entertaining the boys and keeping them out of trouble. We just bought Brendan a bike, so he's working on learning to ride that-he's doing great! Kieran is cracking us up daily. He's speaking in little two (and sometimes 3!) word sentences, so we hear lots out of him! He loves to yell out "big truck", "big bump" and when something is loud, he yells "loud" loud as he can!
We're counting down the days until a family vacation-we've decided to go to Hong Kong in August-Sept. We're really excited-we plan to take the boys to Hong Kong Disney (though I'm pretty sure I'm the most excited about it!), and see as much of Hong Kong as we can in 7 days.
Although there's lots more, I'll save that for upcoming posts...and hopefully will not take so long between posts!
Oh yes. The jumping worms. I almost forgot.
We bought a new shed and moved the old one...underneath it was mud and worms. We decided to move the worms into the flower garden area. I tried to pick up one worm...and it literally curled up and jumped away from me. I've never seen anything like it! The worms here are skinny and move rather quickly when they're about to be picked up...about as different as an American earthworm. :)