
Friday, 31 October 2008

The Zen of Running

I had bootcamp again today. I joined an intense, 12 week bootcamp fitness program run off-base here in Okinawa, by a guy named John. He's pretty awesome-I went to his aerobics/toning classes throughout my pregnancy with Kieran, and now, it's time to get into shape.

Bootcamp was running today. Boy, it's still really hot at 9:30am-way to hot to run. I'm so out of shape after this pregnancy that I'm having a hard time finding my "zen" while running-that point at which you kind of tune stuff out, other than your shoes slapping the pavement, or the rhythym of your breaths going in and out.

Running is such a relaxing, settling activity. One foot after another, always moving forward. Breathe in, breathe out. In and out. At some point, (when I am in good shape) I settle into my "zen"...nothing around me matters anymore. I am just concentrating on moving forward.

I can't wait to get back into shape-into good enough shape to hit this zen zone every time I run. Right now, I'm struggling. I want to be back into great shape-but it's an uphill battle. I have to really watch what I eat, make some changes in my diet, and get working out even more. Bootcamp meets 5 days a week-and I am going to need to add in an additional class 3-4 times a week, to really improve.

It's hard work, but I'm going to have to do it.

Thursday, 30 October 2008

For Brendan:

Brendan, my first baby boy, is two. Two has been a challenging age for him (and me!).
So, I wanted to remind myself of all the wonderful things about him.

Ten Things I Love About You:

1. I love, love, love your beautiful blue eyes, and loooong eyelashes!
2. I love the way you say "Oh yes!" when you are responding to a question.
3. I love the way you kiss and hug your baby brother.
4. I love the way your eyes light up at something new and wonderful.
5. I love the way you have started singing the songs I've taught you.
6. I love your adoration of your Mama, Papa and Uncle Ian.
7. I love the way you say "Mommy like that" when you've done something you know I'll approve of!
8. I love the way you've learned to say "please," "thank you," and "excuse me."
9. I love the way that you love me, even if I'm not the perfect mom.
10. Most of all, I love that you are my son and that I have the privilege of being your Mommy.

I am working hard on being patient, understanding, and simply just enjoying the toddler years with you-I know that all too soon, they'll be over and I'll be looking back, wishing to visit them just one more time.