
Friday 31 October 2008

The Zen of Running

I had bootcamp again today. I joined an intense, 12 week bootcamp fitness program run off-base here in Okinawa, by a guy named John. He's pretty awesome-I went to his aerobics/toning classes throughout my pregnancy with Kieran, and now, it's time to get into shape.

Bootcamp was running today. Boy, it's still really hot at 9:30am-way to hot to run. I'm so out of shape after this pregnancy that I'm having a hard time finding my "zen" while running-that point at which you kind of tune stuff out, other than your shoes slapping the pavement, or the rhythym of your breaths going in and out.

Running is such a relaxing, settling activity. One foot after another, always moving forward. Breathe in, breathe out. In and out. At some point, (when I am in good shape) I settle into my "zen"...nothing around me matters anymore. I am just concentrating on moving forward.

I can't wait to get back into shape-into good enough shape to hit this zen zone every time I run. Right now, I'm struggling. I want to be back into great shape-but it's an uphill battle. I have to really watch what I eat, make some changes in my diet, and get working out even more. Bootcamp meets 5 days a week-and I am going to need to add in an additional class 3-4 times a week, to really improve.

It's hard work, but I'm going to have to do it.

1 comment:

ya ya's mom said...

Nicole...good for you...I only run when I'm being chased by something scary of if one of my first graders is going to miss the bus. Good luck to you getting back in shape. I hope you can find your zen :)