
Thursday 20 November 2008

Work in Progress

I took a big step today.

I posted previously about my frustration and stress levels and I really haven't improved anything on my own. In fact, I had forgotten that I made it my goal to be less stressed. Bad, I know.

But, today, I decided that I need some extra help in decreasing my frustration/stress/anxiety level. I decided to seek out some treatment, either counseling/meds or both.

I think a lot of the behavior issues we are seeing with Brendan stem from my lack of patience and my frustration/stress levels. The more stressed I get at his behavior, the worse he behaves.

So, I should hear back tomorrow about what to do next. I am actually looking forward to this in weird sort of way-I am looking forward to trying to get back to being the me I liked- and the me that was more patient, more understanding, and just a better mom.

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