
Monday 3 November 2008


I've been feeling very frustrated lately. Frustrated with hubby, frustrated with myself. Frustrated at the kiddo (the older one).

And it's not fair.

I've realized that I've been taking out my frustration with things on my kiddo. Not physically mind you-just being short-tempered and less patient than I should be.

My frustration stems from a lot-I'm frustrated the hubby switched work shifts and is hardly home-and when he does, he sits around. I know he is working long hours, but dammit, so am I...I just don't report to an outside workplace. I work hard every day taking care of kids, hubby, house...and running all the errands, etc. It certainly doesn't qualify as doing nothing.

I have decided though that I really, really need to be more patient with Brendan. I don't like who I have become lately with regards to him-I'm not giving him the time to just be a two year old. I get impatient when he doesn't want to follow my schedule, or wants to dwadle, or just wants to do well, nothing I want to do. I think lately more in terms of "I need to" rather than "he needs to".

It's not fair to him, that's for sure. He needs time to just discover, explore, be a little kid.

So my goal-to be more patient and understanding. To yell less, use a sharp tone make him feel like he is the most loved kid in the world...since of course, he is (along with his brother!)

I have a feeling that right now is just a trying stage...but I'm trying to remember I am the adult, and the one that knows better and has the capacity for patience, understanding and that I need to use them more!

Of course, reading all of this makes me sound like a terrible parent...I don't think I am a terrible parent. I think just the opposite in fact- I work really hard to make sure my children know what is most important-that they are loved, for who they are, no strings attached, and that I can recognize when something isn't going like it should and can admit that to myself and strive to change it.

Wish me luck!

1 comment:

Liane said...

Oh Nicole, I so understand! Those were such hard times... our boys are 22 months apart. I promise, it gets better, mostly when you are getting a lot more sleep! Hugs to you, do your best, that is all you can do!