
Friday 5 February 2010

Bloggity, blog, blog, blog...

God knows, I really should be sleeping right now. I have a busy, long day ahead of me. But, my hair is wet, and I hate sleeping with wet hair. And I refuse to blow dry it at 11pm-hell, I rarely blow dry it during the day.

I've been having blogger's block lately...well, sort of. I know exactly what I want to write about, and keep writing it in my head, but so far, haven't set typing to screen. I just can't right now. Blogging about what I truly want to say will open a can of worms I'm just not quite ready to open yet-in fact, I probably won't ever be ready to open it-it's just not in the best interest of well, anyone really.

While my blog is/will be mostly about my family-me, the husband, and the kids, it will occasionally be about other stuff that strikes me as bloggable. It won't always be all rainbows and cupcakes either, so be a little prepared.

Some of you know this, some of you don't-I'm a pretty liberal person. Yes, I am a *gasp* Democrat. I am pretty darn close to a tree-hugger, albeit I do not hug trees. I am not nearly as crunchy and granola as some, but I definitely enjoy a little environmentalism. I'm not quite apt to follow the crowd...unless the crowd is leading me somewhere I just can't resist. I don't like to make too many waves, so I often don't speak what I am thinking-but you can be sure that my brain is churning, silently yelling, and probably wondering, wtf?

Anyways. Some days, you'll get cute pictures of the kids doing things in Japan. Other days, you might get quite the earful. Either way, enjoy.



Lea said...

vent away!

Lorraine said...

I enjoy reading about the boys and when you have lots of other things to say too - Love the added pics!